Professional. Knowledgeable. Compassionate.

Whether your goal is to climb a mountain… or to climb your stairs, it is always your choice where you go for Physical Therapy. Learn more about Continuum Physical Therapy to see if we are the right choice for you.

One-on-one patient centered care.



We offer traditional orthopedic physical therapy based on the best current evidence and years of experience.

We also offer a multitude of services including orthotic fitting, vestibular evaluation and treatment, and treatment of Parkinson’s disease through our LSVT BIG program.



We treat all common musculoskeletal injuries including tendinitis, bursitis, strains and sprains.

Pre and post operative orthopedic surgeries.

Balance dysfunction including issues caused by vertigo.

Neck and back pain as well as pain caused by arthritic conditions.



Therapeutic exercise (stretching and strengthening)

Modalities including super pulsed cold Laser, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound

Manual therapy including instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization , joint mobilization, traction, and Trigger Point Dry Needling

Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (McKenzie Method)

What Patients Are Saying